

Jan: “I thought I was the only one who couldn’t find my medical data, but the opposite turned out to be true.”

Von Florian Reußenzehn am 12. January 2023 um 17:04

The reason why Jan Vekemans, the “Founding Father” of 1Patient1Record4Belgium, started the movement is closely linked to his own story as a patient. About 3.5 years ago, he was diagnosed with cancer. As he wanted a second opinion, he had to find his medical records. Or at least he tried… Not a centralized location After […]

Being considered a stranger in a hospital where you are normally a completely known patient

Von Florian Reußenzehn am 12. January 2023 um 16:11

Let’s imagine the following: your baby is 2 months old and suddenly develops kidney failure. It’s the start of a long medical journey with a very specialized approach, which means that you are forced to temporarily stop working. Because this approach is so specialized, you go to many different hospitals. In principle, traveling to Belgium […]

Privacy: how to protect data if you don’t know where it is?

Von Florian Reußenzehn am 07. October 2022 um 07:51

Since the start of our #1Patient1Record4Belgium movement, the issue of privacy has come up regularly. This mainly concerns the principle of whether centralized access to all available data is necessary, regardless of where it is located. Doesn’t this endanger patients’ privacy? We are glad that this question is asked, because indeed the opposite is true. […]

So close, and yet so far.

Von Florian Reußenzehn am 18. August 2022 um 17:36

If you want to imagine what we have in mind with #1Patient1Record4Belgium, you can inform yourself and follow the enormous leap forward that the Nordic countries are making together. There, they are well on their way to standardizing and providing regulated access to registration and management of medical records between countries. Thus, after a slide […]

How interesting to have the yellow sandwich box.
And that… it’s also intriguing.

Von Florian Reußenzehn am 18. August 2022 um 17:25

Let’s start by saying that we think the yellow lunch box is a great initiative, which we would like to explain again for the uninitiated. The idea comes from Canada and means people over the age of 65, singles and vulnerable people can request a yellow lunchbox to keep their essential medical information in their […]

It’s not business, it’s strictly personal.

Von Florian Reußenzehn am 18. August 2022 um 17:12

We wrote in a previous blog about why Jan Vekemans started the #1Patient1Record4Belgium movement. How, while recovering from a major operation, he was given hazelnut spread for breakfast despite it being known in the hospital that he had a nut allergy. This allergy was highlighted again after people initially wanted to treat his pain with […]

Operate in the dark

Von Florian Reußenzehn am 18. August 2022 um 17:08

Previous surgery, intolerances, drugs with contraindications… A person’s medical history largely determines the treatments that are best suited to them when a new disease presents itself. The patient and the practitioner will then benefit from the most complete overview possible. To trace the possible causes of the troubles. To exclude the use of conflicting drugs. […]

If the tax authorities had to manage our medical records…

Von Florian Reußenzehn am 18. August 2022 um 17:01

If the tax authorities were to manage our medical data, a platform like #1Patient1Record4Belgium would not be necessary. And it’s strange to say the least. All your financial data – from loans, mortgages and donations to your main and additional income from years ago – automatically comes out of the printer of the tax authorities […]

You can get cancer. And then having to live with it in Belgium too…

Von Florian Reußenzehn am 18. August 2022 um 16:56

All cancer patients – cured or still in treatment – will agree: the day you are diagnosed is the darkest day of your life. Fear and uncertainty stifle dreams and plans for the future. Everything is “suspended” for a fight to the death. The saddest thing is that being a resident of a leading and […]

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